Monday, August 12, 2013

Just so damn tired now

There are things in my life that make me so mad like my family are seriously the most evil annoying assholes who get pleasure in making my life miserable like right now I try telling my mom what happen last night on twitter where some asshole was making fun on my friend so I defend him and it was great but I try to tell my mom but my little sister kept talking over me and soon I just didn't want to say because I was already mad about something else which I'll tell you after this, so my mom is like whatever I don't care then she mocked me saying "Watch now she's going to type about how much a bitch I am" which yes I am doing now so yeah you are a fucking bitch you only care what your son or other daughter is fucking doing!

So I was mad in the beginning because my dad is a fucking dickhead I let my dog out to use the bathroom I told him and he's like all pissed off I seriously don't understand what the difference between the backyard and the across the street so apparently my fucking father is a fucking a dog whisper so he just pissed me off and doesn't help that my little sister is a fucking little spoil shit face smartass dipshit girl. Honestly I hate my family I hate how they act I hate how they judge me so quickly I hate them in general.

I hate how they make me cry all the times from their means word and judging me acting if they are god to judge me so yeah I have a lot of angry towards them I hate they don't include me and not even trying to involve me which is fine don't talk to me I am fine by myself without any of them I don't want their fucking love and support I don't need them I only have myself to trust.