Friends bugging
Note I change my typo xD
Anyway so lately I've been very bored with my friends like honestly I am really bored and it sucks because I'm a Gemini and us Geminis need to be entertain all the time or we lost focus and interest in the people we talk too. My friends are boring the hell out of me!!! like really one is sucking faces with her boyfriend like no tomorrow like come on its not the end of the world give her room to breathe for crap's sake!
My second friend..well she just annoying to be truthful I didn't really didn't see this first but now I see how annoying she is and dam do I want just to slap her and tell her to shut the hell up I really think she likes the sound of her voice because all she does is talk and talk and talk like god damn it shut up! but no the prick still keeps talking. I glad to hear she has to go in independent study that also shows she's a dumb ass I'm glad I won't see her in my third period anymore THANK YOU JESUS!!!
And the other friends who don't have personalities and that bored me are boring to be honest and yes they are boring they don't talk just follow around like a lost puppy like come on be your own person right now! have a life stop being a robot and following me around and not talking your pissing me off with you not talking! then when got another friend who will only talk about herself and her problems like I get it I'll listen but if you keep going I'm going to ignore your annoying ass!
Yes it may seem I'm the bad friend and I don't deserve my friends BUT just think for a second if you were in my shoes what would do and don't tell me you will do something different because after a certain amount of time you will crack and be like me annoyed as hell with your friends just keep an open mind when it comes down to this, I'm a good friend I'll be there for you support you but push my buttons too much and I will be the worse freaking friend possible.
That saying Hunger Games is on Netflix you know what I'm watching when I get home and get pizza and cookies and chill because its Friday THANKS JESUS!!!
Note: I'm really religious and sorry if I use Jesus name in vain or something so no one better be butt hurt about using the lord in vain ahaha that sounds funny.
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